
Construction Supervision

Construction work inspection consists of examining, checking, and supervising the construction process, from its beginning, during its execution until its conclusion, carried out by an architect, civil engineer, or specialized professional, who works as a supervising inspector.

Director of Inspection

In the on-site inspection, the director of inspection checks compliance with construction standards, procedures, and techniques to ensure that the project’s construction process is carried out properly and flawlessly.

The site inspector must verify that the construction is carried out in accordance with the project plans, including the established standards and specifications, as well as the necessary coordination aspects, thus ensuring the quality of the work.

En todos nuestros proyectos incluímos el servicio de inspección de obra para finalizar tu proyecto con éxito y dentro del presupuesto y costes acordados inicialmente.


for an Architectural Project

Solicitud de presupuesto

para un Proyecto Arquitectónico

Solicitude de Orçamento

para um Projeto Arquitetônico