
Urbanism and Planning

Urbanization project

Like the architectural project, the urbanization project is developed in several steps that allow the idea or proposal to be detailed.

It is an execution project for the urbanization of a street, square, industrial area, sector or neighborhood that defines in detail how each of the urban elements will be organized and built: streets, green areas, heights, protections, urban furniture, …

It also defines how underground or overhead urban services, such as sewage, water, electricity and gas supply, communications, etc. are structured.

The urban development project cannot change the urban layout, nor the heights of buildings, the width of streets, or the fundamental unevenness of streets or squares, because these responsibilities correspond to urban planning, a high-level urban development instrument.

However, although the urbanization project has certain limitations, it helps us to ensure the quality of public spaces, taking into account urban diversity, the interests of different groups, and the possible changes that may arise.

This way, it also allows us to ensure homogeneity and urban functioning when several owners and/or companies have to build in different ways, and to avoid possible conflicts or problems that affect them individually or collectively.


Because it is an urban planning operation, the parceling is subject to a municipal license. This must be done through a request that must be properly documented through different means, such as: Topographical survey Plans of the different lots or plots developed in the engineering specialties. Descriptive Report And all the necessary technical definitions … In addition, it will have to comply with current regulations and be compatible with the municipal development plan. If you need to create plots for your architectural project, we can help you with the process so you don’t have to worry about anything and may start your project as soon as possible.

¿Cómo hacer una parcelación?

Para realizar una parcelación, al ser una operación de planificación urbana, estará sujeta a licencia municipal.

Esta debe tramitarse a través de una solicitud que deberá estar correctamente documentada a través de diferentes medios como:

  • Levantamiento topográfico
  • Planos de los diferentes lotes o parcelas desarrolladas en las especialidades de ingeniería
  • Memoria descriptiva
  • Y todas las definiciones técnicas necesarias

Además, tendrá que cumplir con las normativas actuales y ser compatible con el plan municipal de ordenación.

Si necesitas realizar una parcelación para tu proyecto de arquitectura te podemos ayudar a hacerla para que no tengas que preocuparte de nada y puedas empezar tu proyecto cuanto antes.


for an Architectural Project

Solicitud de presupuesto

para un Proyecto Arquitectónico

Solicitude de Orçamento

para um Projeto Arquitetônico