
Rehabilitation Projects

Developing a rehabilitation project is about solving the client’s particular needs and objectives, either by restoring it to its original state or by modifying it to bring it closer to the required needs.

Rehabilitation projects are developed to meet the client’s needs and objectives, either by returning the building to its original state or by modifying it to meet the new needs and required uses.

A rehabilitation project is a construction project that, unlike a new construction project, does not result in the construction of a new building, but acts upon existing buildings, regardless of whether or not there has been a partial demolition.

However, rehabilitation work can also be accompanied by a new expansion project when the building that is meant to be remodeled is not large enough for the new uses and functions it will have.

A distinction should also be made between full rehabilitation works and partial rehabilitation works.

Integral rehabilitation works: those in which a series of works/interventions are carried out in the building in order to achieve adequate structural safety conditions and to allow adequate conditions of use.
Partial rehabilitation works: those which only affect a part of the building. Some examples are: roof and facade rehabilitation projects, energy rehabilitation, structural reinforcements, installations, among others.


for an Architectural Project

Solicitud de presupuesto

para un Proyecto Arquitectónico

Solicitude de Orçamento

para um Projeto Arquitetônico